이준호 교수
- [전문분야]
- 배뇨곤란, 전립선비대증 (유로리프트, 홀렙), 결석, 남성의학, 요도협착, 여성요실금, 생식기 종양, 일반 비뇨기 질환
- [전문진료]
- 배뇨곤란 및 전립선 질환 약물치료, 남성질환 약물치료, 유로리프트, 전립선 비대증 레이저 수술 (홀렙), 불임 및 정계정맥류 미세 현미경 수술, 발기부전 음경 보형물수술, 남성수술, 요도협착 구강점막이식술, 결석 체외충격파, 결석 내시경 제거술, 방광내 보톡스 주입, 여성요실금수술
- The relationships between thyroid hormone levels and lower urinary tract symptoms/benign prostatic hyperplasia, JH Lee, YW Park, SW Lee, The world journal of men's health 37 (3), 364-371
Female urinary incontinence and obesity assessed by anthropometry and dual‐energy X‐ray absorptiometry: Analysis from the 2008–09 Korean National Health and Nutrition …, YW Park, JH Lee, LUTS: Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms 11 (2), O28-O33
Nutrient intake and urinary incontinence in Korean women: A propensity score‐matched analysis from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data, JH Lee, HS Lee, International Journal of Urology 24 (11), 793-797
Vitamin D and urinary incontinence among korean women: A propensity score-matched analysis from the 2008–2009 korean national health and nutrition examination survey, HS Lee, JH Lee, Journal of Korean medical science 32 (4), 661-665 7
Obesity in Korean men: results from the fourth through sixth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (2007~ 2014), YW Park, KB Choi, SK Kim, DG Lee, JH Lee,
The world journal of men's health 34 (2), 129-136
Testosterone and chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome: a propensity score-matched analysis, JH Lee, SW Lee, The journal of sexual medicine 13 (7), 1047-1055
Incidence of nitrituria and its association with metabolic syndrome: results from the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey V (2010-2012), YW Park, DG Lee, JD Choi, JH Lee, International neurourology journal 20 (2), 131
Impact of prostate volume on erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, JH Lee, SW Lee, The Aging Male 19 (2), 106-110
Incidence of isolated dipstick hematuria and its association with the glomerular filtration rate: a cross-sectional study from the Korean National Health and Nutrition …, H Kwon, DG Lee, HC Kang, JH Lee, International urology and nephrology 48 (4), 451-456
Sexually transmissible infections in middle and high school students: experience rates, risk factors and relationship with mental health–results from the Korean youth risk …, H Kwon, HC Kang, JH Lee, Sexual health 13 (1), 29-34
Relationship between premature ejaculation and chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome, JH Lee, SW Lee, The journal of sexual medicine 12 (3), 697-704
The relationship between testosterone, metabolic syndrome, and mean carotid intima-media thickness in aging men, H Kwon, DG Lee, HC Kang, JH Lee, The Aging Male 17 (4), 211-215
Associations of carotid artery plaque with lower urinary tract symptoms and erectile dysfunction, JH Lee, SK Kim, DG Lee. International urology and nephrology 46 (12), 2263-2270
Associations between premature ejaculation, lower urinary tract symptoms, and erectile dysfunction in middle‐aged Korean policemen. JH Lee, The journal of sexual medicine 11 (6), 1512-1518
Relationship between benign prostatic hyperplasia/lower urinary tract symptoms and total serum testosterone level in healthy middle-aged eugonadal men. JH Lee, Y Kim, YW Park, DG Lee, The journal of sexual medicine 11 (5), 1309-1315
Is semen analysis necessary for varicocele patients in their early 20s?, CS Kwon, JH Lee,
The world journal of men's health 32 (1), 50-55
Mirodenafil for the treatment of erectile dysfunction: a systematic review of the literature, HJ Park, KH Moon, SW Lee, WK Lee, SC Kam, JH Lee, NC Park, The world journal of men's health 32 (1), 18-27
Correlation between the visual prostate symptom score and international prostate symptom score in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms, YW Park, JH Lee, International neurourology journal 18 (1), 37 22
Radiotelemetric assessment of intracavernosal pressure in apomorphine-induced erection: hypercholesterolemic rats vs normal control, JH Lee, M Ko, MR Chae, SJ Lee, SC Kam, JK Park, JH Jeon, I So, ..., International journal of impotence research 26 (2), 41-44
Prevalence, risk factors, quality of life, and health-care seeking behaviors of female urinary incontinence: results from the 4th Korean National Health and Nutrition …, CS Kwon, JH Lee,