1. 제 1저자 SJ Choi, JH Lee, DG Kim, GJ Bae, YH Lee, Y Lee, Clinical effect of rehabilitation after distal radius fracture surgery using a wearable device: A comparative prospective cohort study. Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery (accepted) 2. 제 1저자 SJ Choi, HS Lim, CS Ha, HM Choi, JS Chae, JK Lee, Prevalence and Characteristics by Age and Sex in Pediatric Trigger Digits: South Korea Nationwide Analysis Using Korea Health Insurance Dataset, Clin Orthop Surg. 2024 Aug;16(4):650-660. doi: 10.4055/cios23413. 3.제 1저자 SJ Choi, SY Jung, MB Kim. Transosseous wiring method for simple transverse shaft fracture of the upper extremity. Arch Hand Microsurg 2024. DOI: https://doi.org/10.12790/ahm.23.0039 4. 제 1저자 SJ Choi, SH Park, JK Lee. The role of arthroscopic triangular fibrocartilage complex repair in a case of bilateral Galeazzi fracture-dislocation. Arch Hand Microsurg 2024. https://doi.org/10.12790/ahm.23.0049 5. 제1 저자 SJ Choi, SG Kim, KJ Bae, YH Lee, Yohan Lee. Reconstruction of Small Sized Skin Defect on the Foot Dorsum without Microsurgery: Local Adipofascial Flap. International journal of lower extremity wound. 2023 Feb, doi: 10.1177/15347346231154730. 6. 제1 저자 SJ Choi, JH Lee, CR Lee, YH Lee, JS Yu. Case Report : ECRB & ECRL rupture after distal radius Fx. Arch Hand Microsurg 2022;27(4):315-319. doi.org/10.12790/ahm.22.0053 7. 제1 저자 SJ Choi, GT Kim, YH Lee, BG Kim, IS Jang, JH Kim. Patch augmentation does not provide better clinical outcomes than arthroscopic rotator cuff repair for large to massive rotator cuff tears. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc . 2022 Nov;30(11):3851-3861. doi: 8.1007/s00167-022-06975-8. 8. 제1 저자. SJ Choi, YR Choi, EG Baek, SM Jo, Does repair of deltoid ligament contribute to restoring a mortise in SER type IV ankle fracture with syndesmotic diastasis? Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2022 Apr;142(4):535-541. doi: 10.1007/s00402-020-03645-7. 9. 공동저자 JE Park, DB Sneag, YS Choi, SH Oh, SJ Choi. Fascicular Involvement of the Median Nerve Trunk in the Upper Arm: Manifestation as Anterior Interosseous Nerve Syndrome with Unique Imaging Features. Korean J Radiol 2024;25(5):449-458. https://doi.org/10.3348/kjr.2023.1218 10. 공동저자 Early Return to Daily Life through Immediate Weight-Bearing after Lateral Malleolar Fracture Surgery. Int J Environ Res Pub Health 2022,19(10),6052; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19106052 11. 공동저자. JK Lee, SC Lee, SJ Choi, DH Han, JB Oh, MK Kil, SH Han, Distal interphalangeal Joint Arthrodesis using only Kirschner Wires in small distal Phalanges. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. 2021 Sep;53(5):462-466. doi: 10.1055/a-1559-2684. 12. 공동저자. JY Park, BS Kim, HJ Lee, YM Kim, HN Kim, HJ Kang, JH Cho, SJ Choi, YR Choi , Comparison between an electronic version of the foot and ankle outcome score and the standard paper version: A randomized multicenter study. Medicine (Baltimore) . 2019 Oct;98(40):e17440. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000017440. 13. 공동저자. JK Lee, BH Yoon, HI Lee, CK Kim, SJ Choi, SH Han. Prosthetic Replacement Has a Clinical Outcome Superior to That of Trapeziectomy With Ligament Reconstruction and Tendon Interposition: A Meta-Analysis. Orthopedics . Mar-Apr 2021;44(2):e151-e157. 14. 공동저자. 한수홍, 홍인태, 최성주, 김민욱, 하지 골절과 동반된 연부조직 결손 재건을 위한 역행성 비복동맥 피판술. J Korean Orthop Assoc. 2020 Jun;55(3):253-260. 15. 공동저자. TK Ahn, DH Lee, TS Kim, GC Jang, SJ Choi, JB Oh, GH Ye, SC Lee. Modification of Titanium Implant and Titanium Dioxide for Bone Tissue Engineering. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2018;1077:355-368. doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-0947-2_19. 16. 공동저자. TK Ahn, JW Kim, CH Oh, SJ Choi, Review article : Testosterone and male osteoporosis. Clinical Reviews in Bone and Mineral Metabolism 16:49-56 ,2018.