1. Jung KY*, Kim SM*, Yoo WS, Kim BW, Lee YS, Kim KW, Lee KE, Jeong JJ, Nam KH, Lee SH, Hah JH, Chung WY, Yi KH, Park DJ, Youn YK, Sung MW, Cho BY, Park CS, Park YJ, Chang HS. Postoperative biochemical remission of serum calcitonin is the best predictive factof for recurrence-free survival of medullary thyroid cancer: a large-scaled retrospective anaylysis over 30 yesars. Clinical Endocrinol (Oxf). 2015 Jul 14. [Epub ahead of print]
2. Jung KY*, Kim KM*, Ku EJ, Kim YJ, Lee DH, Choi SH, Jang HC, Shin CS, Park KS, Lim S. Age- and sex-specific association of circulating osteocalcin with dynamic measures of glucose homeostasis. Osteoporos Int. 2015 Sep 15. [Epub ahead of print]
3. Moon JH*, Jung KY*, Kim KM, Choi SH, Lim S, Park YJ, Park DJ, Jang HC. The effect of thyroid stimulating hormone suppressive therapy on bone geometry in the hip area of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Bone 2015 27;83:104-110.
4. Jung KY, Cho SW, Kim YA, Kim D, Oh BC, Park do J, Park YJ. Cancers with higher density of tumor-associated macrophages were associated with poor survival rates. J Pathol Transl Med. 2015;49(4):318-24
5. Kim KM, Lim S, Moon JH, Jin H, Jung KY, Shin CS, Park KS, Jang HC, Choi SH. Lower uncarboxylated osteocalcin and higher sclerostin levels are significantly associated with coronary artery disease. Bone 2015 11;83:178-183.
6. Ku EJ, Jung KY, Kim YJ, Kim KM, Moon JH, Choi SH, Cho YM, Park KS, Jang HC, Lim S, Ahrén B. Four-Year Durability of Initial Combination Therapy with Sitagliptin and Metformin in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Clinical Practice; COSMIC Study. PLoS One. 2015 Jun 12;10(6):e0129477.
7. Park KS, Lee DH, Lee J, Kim YJ, Jung KY, Kim KM, Kwak SH, Choi SH, Park KS, Jang HC, Lim S. Comparison between two methods of bioelectrical impedance analyses for accuracy in measuring abdominal visceral fat area. J Diabetes Complications 2015 Oct 24. pii: S1056-8727(15)00404-3.
8. Lee DH, Jung KY, Park KS, Kim KM, Moon JH, Lim S, Jang HC, Choi SH. Characterization of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes According to Body Mass Index: Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2007 to 2011. Endocrinol Metab (Seoul). 2015 Sep 10. [Epub ahead of print]
9. Dong-Hwa Lee, Kyeong Seon Park, Soyeon Ahn, Eu Jeong Ku, Kyong Yeun Jung, Yoon Ji Kim, Kyoung Min Kim, Jae Hoon Moon, Sung Hee Choi, Kyong Soo Park, Hak Chul Jang, Soo Lim. Comparison of Abdominal Visceral Adipose Tissue Area Measured by Computed Tomography with That Estimated by Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis method in Korean subjects. Nutrients. 2015 October 2. [Epub ahead of print]
10. Ju DL, Park YJ, Paik H-Y, Kim M-J, Park SY, Jung KY, Kim TH, Choi HS, Song YJ. Dietary evaluation of a Low-Iodine Diet in Korean Thyroid Cancer Patients preparing for Radioactive Iodine Therapy in an Iodine-rich Region. Nutrition Research and Practice. 2015 November. [Epub ahead of print]
11. Jung KY, Kim KM, Lim S. Therapeutic Approaches for Preserving or Restoring Pancreatic Beta-Cell Function and Mass. Diabetes Metab J. 2014;38(6):426-36.
12. Jung KY, Cho SY, Kim HJ, Kim SB, Song IH. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis associated with metabolic syndrome: relationship to insulin resistance and liver histology. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2014 Nov-Dec;48(10):883-8.
13. Jung KY, Choi JH, Kim HJ, Kim DH :Reversible Heart Failure and Rhabdomyolysis Caused by Primary Hypoparathyroidism during Lactation. Endocrinol Metab. 2011;26(3):268-271.
14. Jung KY, Kang TS : A Case of Acute Myocardial Infarction With ST-Segment Elevation in a Lead Augmented Right Vector Caused by a Left Main Coronary Artery Vasospasm Korean Circ J. 2012 January; 42(1): 50–53.
15. 정경연, 조종태: 항사구체기저막 항체 및 MPO-ANCA 양성인 초승달 사구체 신염. The Korean Journal of Medicine 2012
16. 조선영, 신경황, 신현성, 이수진, 이지은, 정경연, 강태수 ; 다른 관상동맥에서 반복적으로 발생한 스텐트내 혈전. The Korean Journal of Medicine